I have two huge prayer requests tonight.
1) Please pray for Wade, the nephew of our pastor's wife. He fell from the monkey bars at school today and was unconscious. They lifeflighted him to a larger hospital. He has a fractured skull, but is coherant now and talking to his family. Please pray that he will heal with no permanent effects. His grandfather was preaching an old fashioned tent crusade last night, tonight, and tomorrow night, so I think this is the devil working over time trying to prevent people from being saved.
**Update** Wade was able to leave the hospital today!!!! Praise the Lord! The dr. told them that it was a miracle that he wasn't seriously injured. Those types of head injuries usually turn out much worse. He will have to have tests to check his hearing in that ear in a few weeks.
2) This prayer request comes from my teacher's aide at school. She knows this family from camp. The mother tried for a long time to have a baby. She had seven miscarriages before being able to have a baby. The baby is now two months old. The family was in a car wreck. The dad and baby are fine, but the mother was killed.:-( It just breaks my heart! It's hard not to question God when things like this happen, but we have to trust that He has a plan.
Thank you for your prayers!