Natalie was saved at church camp this summer. We went on vacation right after camp and then Rebecca had Robyn, so she has been waiting to be able to get baptized. She was so excited that she was finally able to this morning. It makes me so grateful to see my children trusting in the Lord. We are truly blessed!
Everyone lately who has asked us, "What are you doing?" has heard the same answers: "Working on the kitchen!" or "Trying to put the house back together!" While we were finishing the kitchen, we had the "kitchen" in the dining room and the "dining room" in the living room. We are finally finished with the kitchen, except some molding and finishing touches. Richard also repainted the dining room, hall, and one of the kids' bedrooms. Here are some pictures of the finished work:
Lauren lost her first tooth this past weekend while we were in Dallas. She was so excited that the tooth fairy was able to find her at the hotel. Then tonight she lost the other bottom front tooth.
Robyn's bilirubin levels went back up again. They wrapped her in a bili blanket last night and today until her levels went down. They were able to take her home tonight, but they have to go back tomorrow to see if she is getting jaundiced again.
I am first and foremost a Christian. I have been married to a wonderful man for sixteen years. We have four beautiful children. I love scrapbooking, cross-stitching, and photography.