Sunday, August 19, 2007

First Barber Shop Experience

Granny "trimmed" Jack's hair one time because she has given all the kids their first haircuts, but Saturday we took him to Milford's Barber Shop for his first barber shop haircut. This is a picture of him holding his number and waiting for his turn to get in the barber's chair.

His cute little curls before his haircut. (He is sitting on the footstool and leaning his head over, so the angle of the picture looks funny.)

He was NOT happy with the barber at all! I thought once he gave Jack a sucker that he would eat it and quiet down, but no such luck! He fussed the entire time.

I took this picture of him Sunday after church. Doesn't his big boy haircut look cute?!?! He looks so much older now. When you ask him what happened to his hair, he just pinches a little bit of it and says, "Off!"

This is what the back looks like now without the curls.


Mrs. McDaniel said...

awww he looks so cute with the short hair! the whole barber shop thing was neat~i've never been in a barber shop much less my guys.

dmluciussr said...

wow look at the big boy,nice cut jack.see you guys on the next trip.