We passed this while we were leaving the harbor. The captain said that there used to be three crosses standing, but after a recent hurricane the ones on each side are on the ground. The locals left them that way to show that Jesus was looking after them in the storm.

We saw lots of dolphins in the bay and the gulf. People were out in small boats and waverunners and the dolphins would swim right up to them. We saw a shark too, but I didn't get a picture of it.

Each of the girls took a turn driving the boat.

We ate at a place called Fudpuckers today. They have live alligators that the kids can feed and hold. The food was delicious!

We also went to the beach again today. Richard found a shark's tooth.

This was a strange loking thing that Richard found too. Some of the locals said they call them sand fleas and use them for bait. They said the beach is covered in them at night.
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