Sunday, August 19, 2007

First Barber Shop Experience

Granny "trimmed" Jack's hair one time because she has given all the kids their first haircuts, but Saturday we took him to Milford's Barber Shop for his first barber shop haircut. This is a picture of him holding his number and waiting for his turn to get in the barber's chair.

His cute little curls before his haircut. (He is sitting on the footstool and leaning his head over, so the angle of the picture looks funny.)

He was NOT happy with the barber at all! I thought once he gave Jack a sucker that he would eat it and quiet down, but no such luck! He fussed the entire time.

I took this picture of him Sunday after church. Doesn't his big boy haircut look cute?!?! He looks so much older now. When you ask him what happened to his hair, he just pinches a little bit of it and says, "Off!"

This is what the back looks like now without the curls.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A Fun New Project

I just got this bag this week. It is a Purple Tree bag that will hold a 12 x 12 scrapbook layout. I can change out the scrapbook page when I make new pages and carry the bag back and forth with school stuff. I'm so excited about this! I saw a lady at the Frog Street Press conference in Dallas this summer who had a purse that held an 8 x 8 page, but I don't scrap that size. I saw this bag on the Polka Dot Potato website. They had it for less than half price since they are moving. Can't beat a cute project at a great price! Now to see how often I can change out the page!

Girlie Girls

We told Nicole that if she did well on her TAKS tests this year that we would take her back to Libby Lu. Since she made a PERFECT score on her reading TAKS test, we let her chose a friend to come with her. She has been waiting all summer for this! She and Remy have been best friends since kindergarten. We took them to eat and play games at Chuck E. Cheese and then to Libby Lu. They gave them an outfit to dress up, painted their nails, did their make-up, fixed their hair, and then the danced in the mall. They had a blast! It was a perfect day for a group of "girlie girls".

I took these pictures where you could see the girls in the mirror. I thought they looked so cute!

Nicole and Remy thought it was funny that everyone thought they were sisters!

Nicole got the "dance diva make-over".

Natalie got the "Hannah Montana make-over".

All the girls posing on the couch at Libby Lu. Remy got the "Rock Princess make-over". Lauren decided that instead of getting a make-over at Libby Lu that she wanted to buy some Dora the Explorer baby twins that she had been wanting for a long time, but she had fun watching the girls and dancing with them.

Dancing in the mall to Hannah Montana's "The Best of Both Worlds".

Richard and Jack came with us too, but they walked around the mall while the girls were getting their make-overs. Everyone kept asking us, "Are those ALL your children?"

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our Little Soccer Star

These are some pictures that I took of Lauren in her soccer uniform. She is having such a blast playing soccer this summer! She is the smallest one on the team, but she's not afraid to get in there along with everyone else. She was so excited when she made her first goal and had to call all the grandparents on the cell phone.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Kitchen Sneak Peak

I've been meaning to update this blog, but since I started it, the kitchen remodel has pretty much taken over! We aren't quite through with it yet, but here is a sneak peek. We still need to add the crown moulding to the cabinets, and we are going to use African slate tiles for the floor. The backsplash is tumbled marble and the countertop is black granite. We thought the name of the color "Black Pearl" was funny because that's the name of Captain Jack's ship on the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I'll post more pictures once we finish.
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